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To acquaint of vacationers with the history of the nation, sights of Ile-Alatau Park.To preserve the nature of the native land for future generations!
Ile-Alatau National Natural Park is a unique natural complex in the Ile-Alatau, located in the north-west of the Tian Shan, protected by the government. It is distinguished by the complexity of the landscape, beauty, as well as amazing Biological Diversity.
During vacations or excursions here you can observe unique landscapes from the mixed grass steppes to alpine meadows and peaks covered with eternal snows and glaciers. The national park has unique natural monuments, such as relict moss spruce forests, waterfalls, alpine lakes, stone glaciers and glaciers, as well as objects of cultural and historical heritage.
These are the burial mounds of the Early Iron Age, the famous Saki mounds, and medieval fortifications. An ancient road runs along the spurs of the Zailiysky Alatau, along which tribes and peoples migrated in the distant past, and later the Great Silk Road arose. The richness and beauty of nature, monuments and objects of natural and cultural-historical heritage attract thousands of tourists to the national park.